Smoky Quartz is a very protective stone. Place in the home or work environment to filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain one’s strength and enthusiasm. To shield against hostility or gossip in the workplace, or a bullying boss or manager, set dark Smoky Quartz points outwards on your desk in a semi-circle to create a calm, safe area in which to work.
Smoky Quartz is naturally irradiated, it draws upon those frequencies to counter negative effects of radiation, including sunburn, exposure to radioactive materials, medical radiation and chemotherapy. It has also been used to relieve chronic pain, muscle cramps, headaches and tension of the shoulders and back.
Smoky Quartz may be used in treatments of the adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys and other organs of elimination to energetically remove toxins from the body. It is believed to help regulate fluids within the body and the assimilation of minerals Smoky Quartz is thought to protect the pulmonary tracts and regenerate the bronchi, and to benefit the reproductive system, muscle and nerve tissues. It is particularly effective for ailments of the abdomen, hips and legs
Providing a protective barrier of energy around the user, Smoky Quartz offers exceptional grounding and stability when working in the higher realms, helping one to receive and utilize more high-frequency Light energy. It is a remarkable tool for focused prayer and deep meditation, spiritual ceremonies and rituals, as well as strengthening the link of communication when contacting other worlds. It may also be used as a psychopomp for guiding souls to the other side