The Golden Healer Quartz is a powerful healing crystal as it allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra. The energy then spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages and imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing.
The Golden Ray energy of the Golden Healer may represent the Divine Spirit, Source and Creation. A Master Healer, the Golden Healer is of the highest vibration. Its energy is powerful, yet gentle and soothing.
Golden healer quartz, is said to be a master healer for any condition. Golden Healer Quartz ultimately brings your body back in balance, by working on all physical as well as mental levels. It will help you access the highest vibrations so that you can raise the frequencies in your body and release blockages and unwanted energies.
It brings yin-yang energies back in to balance and opens up your consciousness to receive spirit messages. Golden Healer Quartz has been used by ancestors, as a stone to connect the worlds and promote spiritual communication. By using Golden Healer Quartz you remain in touch with the spiritual worlds, and it will activate your chakras to join your will with that of the Divine! It works with the Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.