Aura Quartz Crystal Point
Aura Quartz Crystal Point
Aura Quartz Crystal Point

Aura Quartz Crystal Point

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Aura Quartz crystals have been part of the New Age movement since the 1980’s, prized for their ability to expand the consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual body with their extraordinary high vibration. While most practitioners prefer natural, untreated stones for their metaphysical work, many consider Aura Quartz, with its pure components and synergistic energies, to be the exception to the rule.

Green Apple Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Nickel; displays a fresh, yellow-green color reminiscent of a Granny Smith or Golden Delicious. This healthy crystal is a protector of the spleen, the organ responsible for purifying the blood and boosting the immune system. Worn over the base of the sternum or taped over the Spleen Chakra, it fights energy drains and overcomes psychic vampirism. It assists in severing ties with previous partners or mentors who retain a mental or emotional hold despite physical separation. It is highly beneficial in multidimensional and cellular memory healing, and is an efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance.

Yellow Sunshine Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Platinum; creates a bright yellow crystal with an iridescent gleam. Its energy is powerful and extremely active, wonderful for stimulating and cleansing the Solar Plexus Chakra. It heals old hurts and traumas, and overcomes a sense of disappointment with life, or bitterness at the lack of opportunities. Placed in the center of any healing crystal layout, Sunshine Aura infuses the whole system with health and energy. At a spiritual level, it is expansive and protective, inspiring optimism, natural joy and spontaneity. It encourages laughter and releasing one’s inner child. Sunshine Aura is considered powerfully positive for removing toxins, relieving constipation and aiding digestive issues. It is thought to be most beneficial in assisting treatments for the pancreas, liver, spleen, gall bladder and the nervous system. It helps to bring the body into balance, and may be used in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder and to aid absorption of vitamins A, D and 

White Opal Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum; creates a pearly sheen with pale rainbow iridescence. Opal Aura has a very intense, strong energy that cleanses the aura, and stimulates, balances and clears all chakras, integrating the light body into the physical dimension. It allows access to one’s personal etheric realm where information concerning balance for this life cycle is presented. It is a crystal of joy, and like a rainbow, signifies hope and optimism. It facilitates a deep state of meditative awareness, grounding the information received into the physical body, and inspires a total union with the divine and cosmic consciousness. Opal Aura is also a stone of romance and love, and can bring both into one’s life. It is highly beneficial in healing hurt and trauma, for multi-dimensional healing, and is an efficient receptor for programming. It may be used for cleansing and enhancing the organs, boosting the immune system, and for bringing the body into balance. It is also thought to soothe burns

Pink Rose Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum, sometimes with additional Gold or Silver; exhibits a lovely raspberry rose metallic sheen. The gentle energy of Rose Aura is uplifting but not overwhelming, and produces a marvelous frequency that stimulates the pineal gland and the Heart Chakra to transmute deeply held doubts about self-worth. It is a favorite among young women, especially if they have suffered from body image issues, abuse, or who have been deserted or rejected in love. This crystal makes a powerful connection to Universal Love, and bestows the gift of unconditional love of the Self. It permeates the whole body with its energy and restores the cells to perfect balance. Rose Aura may ease the onset of puberty in girls and early menstrual difficulties in teens; also thought to assist problems with teenage pregnancy, especially if the young woman is unsupported by a partner. It is great for emotional and multidimensional healing, ameliorating anger, and soothing 

Purple Tanzine Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Indium, sometimes with additional Niobium; forms as blue, indigo and purple crystals with a soft, metallic sheen; also called Azure Aura, Celestial Aura, and sometimes mistakenly “Tanzanite” Aura. It is, at times, referred to as Indigo Aura, though Indigo Aura is enhanced with Gold and Iridium. Tanzine Aura facilitates multi-dimensional balance and profound spiritual interconnection, believed to bring connection with Raziel, the Archangel of mysteries and esoteric knowledge. It opens and aligns the Soul Star and highest Crown Chakras, drawing cosmic energy into the physical body and to Earth. It is excellent for meditation, and enkindles a centered “no-mind” state that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world. Tanzine Aura offers deep spiritual comfort, dissolving emotional blockages and replacing them with unconditional love and the sense of being part of a greater soul group. Tanzine Aura is credited with regulating the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands bringing equilibrium to the system. It supports optimal metabolic and hormonal balance and good assimilation of minerals, resulting in physical and mental well-being. It is also thought to assist in all issues of the head and neck, including vision, memory, and age-related effects on the mind. It may be helpful in treating depression, ADHD, epilepsy, and brain damage after strokes, accident or viral infections. 

Orange Tangerine Aura or Tangerine Sun Aura Quartz - Clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Iron; produces a bright, shimmering yellow-orange iridescence. This crystal has a dynamic energy, connected to higher forces and deeply supportive of spiritual exploration. It is great for visualization and gaining profound insight. A six-sided form is ideal for opening a blocked or un-awakened Third Eye, and heals the Third Eye and Soma Chakras after psychic trauma or restriction. Use to disperse dark moods and uplift the spirit. It makes one more responsive and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges with equanimity and cheerfulness. Tangerine Aura unites the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to provide a cleansing, energetic flow throughout the body and to stimulate one’s creativity. It aligns clarity, insight and perspective with strength to help the mind analyze and categorize. Tangerine and Tangerine Sun Aura stabilizes the link between the physical and subtle bodies, penetrating every cell with potent energy to recharge and invigorate cell function and initiate subtle DNA changes. It imparts great physical and psychological strength, enhances sexuality, helps support and oxygenate the blood, liver and spleen, and is thought to aid in overcoming anemia